
It’s been a while since I last visited this blog, and I’m unsure if there have been previous posts on this topic. Nevertheless, based on recent experiences, I’d like to share my insights.

I’m currently enrolled in a Certification Course closely related to my job. However, I’ve struggled to find the motivation to see it through. The course is conducted in English, which is not my native language, and it’s quite demanding. The path from start to finish seems unclear.

This has led me to procrastinate on my course activities, but warnings to complete it have finally pushed me to cram all the material in a short, painful burst. Surprisingly, this last-minute effort propelled my progress.

This experience made me curious about procrastination. Studies suggest it may not be the primary cause of our failures but rather a symptom of deeper issues. Procrastination can hinder our success. Some studies, including one from AsapScience [1] and an article from McLean Hospital [2], show that procrastination arises when the rewards of a task seem distant, leading us to focus on the stress and burden rather than the benefits.

I’m currently exploring solutions to this procrastination challenge based on these sources and will share them once I have them.


[1] AsapScience. (2012, September 19). The Science of Procrastination – And How To Manage It [Video]. YouTube.

[2] McLean Hospital. (2022, December 4). Why You Put Things Off Until the Last Minute?

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